[PATCH]: Allow select/unselect even if there is no command prompt

Pavel Shirshov (pchel) me at pavelsh.pp.ru
Tue Nov 30 04:36:02 UTC 2004

Hello Pavel,

Monday, November 29, 2004, 6:38:55 PM, you wrote:

PT> Hello,

PT> Please, apply the attached patch. It fixes the following issue:

PT> 1) Disable the command prompt - Options -> Layout... -> command Prompt

PT> 2) Hit any of the keys +, - or *

PT> Instead of doing what it is supposed to do (select/unselect) MC starts
PT> a file search. I don't see any relation between the select/unselect
PT> functionality and the presence of the command prompt widget thus I
PT> consider the described behaviour a bug.

PT> This bug was reported by Alex Yosifov.

Committed. Thx!

Best regards,
 Pavel                            mailto:me at pavelsh.pp.ru

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