[Patch] FISH freezes MC on abort of transfer

buc buc at odusz.so-cdu.ru
Thu Nov 25 16:24:59 UTC 2004

  There is a little bug in FISH vfs -- file transfer abortion is not 
working properly.

  How to reproduce:
1. Login as unprivileged user, invoke MC
2. Set on one panel any local directory where you have no write access
3. On the other panel, cd somewhere using FISH  (cd /#sh: ... )
4. Try to copy some file from remote system to local dir.
5. Because of missing write access, MC report error and then starts to 
abort transfer. But never finishes it...

  The issue is inspired by the trivial bug -- see the patch attached. 
Instead of flush of the same amount of bytes as the non-transferred file 
is, everything is flushed, including special FISH`s exit codes...

		Dmitry K. Butskoj <dmitry at butskoj.name>
		Saint-Petersburg, Russia
		Red Hat Certified Engineer 809003662809495

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