[PATCH] Already running a command (& subshell prompt?)

Leonard den Ottolander leonard at den.ottolander.nl
Wed Nov 17 00:59:06 UTC 2004


Removing the odd code executed on Ctrl-o in invoke_subshell() the
"Already running a command" issue on C-o, tab, tab, n, C-o, <command>
seems to be fixed. But maybe there are other scenarios in which it can
be reproduced.

I totally got rid of the subshell state ACTIVE as it is unused except in
the removed code snippet. I didn't quite get the three state logic
anyway. Maybe the author wanted to indicate a difference between "panel
view" and "panels hidden view"?

Does this perhaps also fix the subshell prompt issue? See the comment /*
Hack to make prompt reappear */ in the removed code.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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