A sincere compliment - undel ext2

mstar mstar at anet.com
Thu Jan 22 07:26:52 UTC 2004

Hi, I don't subscribe to the list, so no need to reply.  I just wanted to
express my deepest gratitude for including the ext2 undeletion code into
Midnight Commander.  My system was recently the victim of a malicious
attack where the intruder got root, and executed `rm -rf /`.  But thanks
to the undel virtual filesystem, I was able to recover most of the inodes
off of drive, and get our sensitive data back in a timely manner.

I thought that a nice addition to the undel feature would be integrating
output from the unix 'file' command, so that in addition to seeing the
inode, one could also get a general idea of what type of file was deleted.


Thanks again, and keep up the good work!!#!


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