extfs dir in ~/.mc

Oskar Liljeblad oskar at osk.mine.nu
Thu Dec 30 10:19:49 UTC 2004

Here's a small patch for extfs that allows the user to place
extfs.ini as well as extfs program files inside ~/.mc/extfs
as well as (mc_dir)/extfs. The idea is simple: look in
~/.mc/extfs first. If the file is found there, use it.
Otherwise look in (mc_dir)/extfs. See the attached patch.

The patch is against CVS as of today.


Oskar Liljeblad (oskar at osk.mine.nu)
-------------- next part --------------
diff -u -p extfs.c.v0 extfs.c
--- extfs.c.v0	2004-12-29 08:32:41.000000000 +0100
+++ extfs.c	2004-12-30 11:16:06.087327304 +0100
@@ -210,6 +210,26 @@ static void extfs_free_archive (struct a
     g_free (archive);
+static char *
+extfs_lookup_file(const char *name)
+    char *dir;
+    char *file;
+    struct stat sb;
+    dir = concat_dir_and_file (home_dir, ".mc" PATH_SEP_STR "extfs" PATH_SEP_STR);
+    file = g_strconcat (dir, name, NULL);
+    g_free(dir);
+    if (stat(file, &sb) >= 0)
+	return file;
+    g_free(file);
+    dir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, "extfs" PATH_SEP_STR);
+    file = g_strconcat (dir, name, NULL);
+    g_free(dir);
+    return file;
 static FILE *
 extfs_open_archive (int fstype, const char *name, struct archive **pparc)
@@ -217,7 +237,7 @@ extfs_open_archive (int fstype, const ch
     FILE *result;
     mode_t mode;
     char *cmd;
-    char *mc_extfsdir;
+    char *mc_extfsfile;
     struct stat mystat;
     struct archive *current_archive;
     struct entry *root_entry;
@@ -235,12 +255,11 @@ extfs_open_archive (int fstype, const ch
 	tmp = name_quote (name, 0);
-    mc_extfsdir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, "extfs" PATH_SEP_STR);
-    cmd =
-	g_strconcat (mc_extfsdir, extfs_prefixes[fstype], " list ",
-		     local_name ? local_name : tmp, (char *) NULL);
+    mc_extfsfile = extfs_lookup_file(extfs_prefixes[fstype]);
+    cmd = g_strconcat (mc_extfsfile, " list ",
+		       local_name ? local_name : tmp, (char *) NULL);
     g_free (tmp);
-    g_free (mc_extfsdir);
+    g_free (mc_extfsfile);
     open_error_pipe ();
     result = popen (cmd, "r");
     g_free (cmd);
@@ -599,7 +618,7 @@ extfs_cmd (const char *extfs_cmd, struct
     char *quoted_file;
     char *quoted_localname;
     char *archive_name;
-    char *mc_extfsdir;
+    char *mc_extfsfile;
     char *cmd;
     int retval;
@@ -609,13 +628,13 @@ extfs_cmd (const char *extfs_cmd, struct
     archive_name = name_quote (extfs_get_archive_name (archive), 0);
     quoted_localname = name_quote (localname, 0);
-    mc_extfsdir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, "extfs" PATH_SEP_STR);
-    cmd = g_strconcat (mc_extfsdir, extfs_prefixes[archive->fstype],
+    mc_extfsfile = extfs_lookup_file(extfs_prefixes[archive->fstype]);
+    cmd = g_strconcat (mc_extfsfile,
 		       extfs_cmd, archive_name, " ", quoted_file, " ",
 		       quoted_localname, (char *) NULL);
     g_free (quoted_file);
     g_free (quoted_localname);
-    g_free (mc_extfsdir);
+    g_free (mc_extfsfile);
     g_free (archive_name);
     open_error_pipe ();
@@ -629,7 +648,7 @@ static void
 extfs_run (struct vfs_class *me, const char *file)
     struct archive *archive;
-    char *p, *q, *archive_name, *mc_extfsdir;
+    char *p, *q, *archive_name, *mc_extfsfile;
     char *cmd;
     if ((p = extfs_get_path (me, file, &archive, 0, 0)) == NULL)
@@ -638,10 +657,10 @@ extfs_run (struct vfs_class *me, const c
     g_free (p);
     archive_name = name_quote (extfs_get_archive_name (archive), 0);
-    mc_extfsdir = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, "extfs" PATH_SEP_STR);
-    cmd = g_strconcat (mc_extfsdir, extfs_prefixes[archive->fstype],
+    mc_extfsfile = extfs_lookup_file(extfs_prefixes[archive->fstype]);
+    cmd = g_strconcat (mc_extfsfile,
 		       " run ", archive_name, " ", q, (char *) NULL);
-    g_free (mc_extfsdir);
+    g_free (mc_extfsfile);
     g_free (archive_name);
     g_free (q);
     shell_execute (cmd, 0);
@@ -1275,7 +1294,7 @@ static int extfs_init (struct vfs_class 
     char *mc_extfsini;
     char key[256];
-    mc_extfsini = concat_dir_and_file (mc_home, "extfs" PATH_SEP_STR "extfs.ini");
+    mc_extfsini = extfs_lookup_file("extfs.ini");
     cfg = fopen (mc_extfsini, "r");
     /* We may not use vfs_die() message or message or similar,

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