prompt, spaces, `cd' and system commands..

Roland Illig roland.illig at
Wed Dec 1 00:45:02 UTC 2004

Here is my suggestion for a patch. Assuming you have a directory called 
"test  ", here are the strings that work [+] and the ones that don't 
work [-]. I have put a $ to mark the end of the strings.

[-] cd test$
[-] cd test $
[-] cd test  $
[+] cd test   $
[+] cd test \ $
[+] cd test\ \ $
[+] cd test\ \  $
[+] cd "test  "$
[+] cd "test  " $
[+] cd 'test  '$
[+] cd 'test  ' $

The only surprising ones are in line 3 and 4. This is the trailing space 
issue that appears when you insert the current file using C-enter.

I casted some arguments to (const char *) to make clear that those 
functions will not modify the string. If you find that these casts make 
the code too unreadable, please tell me.

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