Feature Requests

Heiko Gerdau hg at technosis.de
Tue May 27 17:45:59 UTC 2003


i recently changed from windows to linux and therefore switched the norton 
like file commander "fcw" to "mc". I really like the midnight commander, 
thanks for this outstanding tool.

There are a few minor features I miss. Are the following issues on the todo 
list or do I just don't know how to do it? Please take the following as 
feature requests.

1) I would like to use a copy (cut) from the buildin editor to paste into 
other (x-)programs. This seems not to work, at least on my SuSE 8.2 System 
using console windows. Since I prefer the keyboard, selecting with the 
arrow keys would be nice to.

2) It would be great to have hot keys to change the sort order of the 
panels quickly.

3) Allthough I may use "C-a C-k" I would prefer "Esc Esc" to clear the 
command line (maybe this is because I'm used to it).

I'm not subscribed to the list so please cc to my mail address should you 
respond. Thanks.


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