[patch] interruptible file search & viewer operations

Jindrich Makovicka makovick at kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz
Sun May 4 08:38:36 UTC 2003

This is a reincarnation of patches I sent some time ago, but they 
weren't accepted due to code freeze before 4.6.0. I ported them to the 
current CVS and still hope you can find them useful.

find.diff modifies file search so it handles events during searching the 
file contents, which results in much greater responsiveness of the 

view.diff adds event checks to various places where the execution can 
get stuck - searching and file loading at the beginning and file loading 
in the growing view. There already were some checks in the search 
functions, but this patch allows using other keys than Ctrl-C, too 
(2xESC, Ctrl-G, F10).

Jindrich Makovicka
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