SQL syntax update for PostgreSQL

Dmitry Alexeyev dmi_a at qnx.org.ru
Sun Mar 23 15:50:45 UTC 2003


Attached is updated sql.syntax file with some PostgreSQL keywords,
which pg_dump produces. Syntax file also changed slightly to support
QNX makefile includes with ".mk" extension.

I get very annoyed with lots of red messages with errors, especially
ones complaining about permissions and chown/chmod errors for
non-native partitions like FAT/etc.

Here's a hack which I use to add "Skip aLl" button to file_error
dialog when copying files. Maybe someone more expierenced then me
could apply similar feature to MC?


diff -ur mc.orig/src/cmd.c mc/src/cmd.c
--- mc.orig/src/cmd.c   Fri Feb 21 00:40:46 2003
+++ mc/src/cmd.c    Sun Mar 23 18:34:46 2003
@@ -355,7 +355,10 @@
 copy_cmd (void)
+    extern int skipall;
     save_cwds_stat ();
+    skipall = 0;
     if (panel_operate (cpanel, OP_COPY, NULL, TRUE)) {
    update_panels (UP_OPTIMIZE, UP_KEEPSEL);
    repaint_screen ();
diff -ur mc.orig/src/file.c mc/src/file.c
--- mc.orig/src/file.c  Thu Dec 26 22:04:10 2002
+++ mc/src/file.c   Sun Mar 23 18:33:47 2003
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@
 int verbose = 1;
+int skipall = 0;
  * Whether the Midnight Commander tries to provide more
  * information about copy/move sizes and bytes transfered
@@ -2172,22 +2174,34 @@
     int result;
     char *msg;
+    static char *last_error= NULL;
+    if (skipall && (error == last_error)) {
+   return FILE_SKIP;
+    }
+    else {
+   skipall = 0;
+   error == NULL;
+    }
     msg = mode == Foreground ? MSG_ERROR : _(" Background process error ");
     result =
-   query_dialog (msg, error, D_ERROR, 3, _("&Skip"), _("&Retry"),
+   query_dialog (msg, error, D_ERROR, 4, _("&Skip"), _("Skip a&Ll"),_("&Retry"),
     switch (result) {
     case 0:
    do_refresh ();
    return FILE_SKIP;
     case 1:
+   skipall = 1;
+   last_error = error;
+   do_refresh ();
+   return FILE_SKIP;
+    case 2:
    do_refresh ();
    return FILE_RETRY;
-    case 2:
+    case 3:
    return FILE_ABORT;
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