HP-UX and AIX buiild problems and patches

Andrew V. Samoilov sav at bcs.zp.ua
Mon Jan 27 15:56:09 UTC 2003


Alexander Varakin wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to build mc-4.6.0-pre3 on HP-UX and AIX and ran into some problems,
> which I fixed, patches are attached.
> I was using native c compilers  on both (xlc_r from Visual  Age 5.0 on AIX,
> and  aCC 3.31 on HP-UX) , which are more picky than gcc, so some fixes were
> required to make them happy.

Well, I commited changed version of your HP patch to CVS.
BTW, can you send me compiler output for src/util.c.  I want to know, 
are there warnings or errors.

Andrew V. Samoilov
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