[patch] avoid invoking commands with empty argument

Adam Byrtek / alpha alpha at student.uci.agh.edu.pl
Tue Feb 11 16:22:36 UTC 2003

mc passes an empty argument ("") to the EDITOR when creating new file
(with F14). It makes vim to list the current dircetory. The nvi
doesn't create temporary file, so write command won't work, however if
you call nvi without any argument it creates a temp file to save the
data in. The same problem occur with some other editors (jed to name

Patch submitted:


  _.|._ |_  _.    : Adam Byrtek, alpha@(irc.pl|debian.org)
 (_|||_)| |(_|    : gg 1802819, pgp 0xB25952C0
     |            : jid alpha.pl(at)jabber.org

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