Update TODO list

Arpi arpi at mplayerhq.hu
Mon Feb 10 13:27:32 UTC 2003


> > > > Maybe someone familiar with fishfs code could fix it?
> > > 
> > > Question is if it is possible to fix fishfs. Maybe replacement
> > why not possible? in worst case just reopen the connection if it fails
> > (now it prints error message but does not work any more after
> > ctrl+c)
> Problem is that fish is a hack. Imagine putting file full of
> rm -rf /
> and remote machine going oom and killing both dd-s. I do not see an

lol :)

> easy way to fix that :-(.

maybe use tricky shell script (command) instead of 'dd'
(ie don't use external program for reading/writing a file, use the shell)

so if OOM kills bash it will be killed so the rm -rf / won't be executed

but it's all unrelated to my problem (fishfs broken after ctrl+c).

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

Developer of MPlayer, the Movie Player for Linux - http://www.MPlayerHQ.hu
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