QNX 6.x fixes

Dmitry Alexeyev dmi_a at qnx.org.ru
Sun Dec 28 14:03:09 UTC 2003



makefile.syntax.diff: 	adds define and ended keyrowrds

perl.syntax.diff:		adds break keyword

ext.c.diff:			Fixes <zombies> in QNX 6.x (QNX Neutrino) when guessing 					
file  type before viewing file (Long standing bug, which I erroneously 
tried to fix removed waitpid call long time ago)

extfs.c.diff:			Fixes bug in extfs, which showed 'Inconsistent extfs 					 
archive' on small archives and diffs. Also  QNX 6.x (QNX Neutrino) 					 

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