BUG: no #! line in shell scripts created for menu commands
Andrew V. Samoilov
andrew at email.zp.ua
Mon Dec 22 12:06:28 UTC 2003
> I have lines like
> p add the files to playd (TEMP)
> playd put_end prepend %s
> in my menu file. Now I noticed I get a "cannot execute binary file"
> error message when the file name contains non-ASCII characters. Looking
> at the temporary file named in the error message, I saw that the #! line
> was missing. And really, adding a #!/bin/sh line worked:
> p add the files to playd (TEMP)
> #!/bin/sh
> playd put_end prepend %s
> So what I first thought was that I misread the documentation. But even the
> examples don't contain the shebang line. So I see two possible ways to fix
> this bug:
> a) document it and correct the examples
> b) add a "correct" shebang line (#!$SHELL? #!/bin/sh? User-defined setting?)
> in these temporary files
Patch attached.
Andrew V. Samoilov.
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