FTP inside mc

Thomas Kuiper tkuiper at t-online.fr
Fri Dec 19 11:53:01 UTC 2003


I find the FTP interface of mc really useful and I'm willing
to develop an extension to it to support FTP profiles. Right now
its only possible to connect to a URL style address and its quite
annoying to type or search/remember some frequently used FTP sites.

I'm thinking about a interface right now and thing it should be like

Menu Left/Right->Ftp Link opens:

------------------ FTP Link -----------------
  Profile Name:     ____________________[^]
  Host:             ____________________
  User Name:        ____________________
  Password:         ____________________
  Port:             22__________________
  Init. Remote Dir: ____________________
  Comment:          ____________________

  [ ] Use passive transfer
  [ ] Don't store password in profile

  [< Ok >]  [ Cancel ]  [ Delete Profile ]



+ If no Username was specified user "anonymous" is used (with password
  configured under Options->"Virtual File System Settings".
+ Profile gets automatically saved when changed or name specified.
+ If the password isn't supposed to be stored in the profile its asked
  in a new dialog.
+ Returns to the dialog in case a connection failed.



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