Fw: iso vfs for mc
Adam Byrtek / alpha
alpha at student.uci.agh.edu.pl
Tue Apr 29 14:08:14 UTC 2003
----- Forwarded message from Dmitry Borodaenko <d.borodaenko at sam-solutions.net> -----
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 12:50:30 +0300
From: Dmitry Borodaenko <d.borodaenko at sam-solutions.net>
To: Adam Byrtek / alpha <alpha at student.uci.agh.edu.pl>
Cc: Michael Shigorin <mike at osdn.org.ua>
Subject: iso vfs for mc
Hello Adam!
Attached is extfs script for entering iso images from mc without having
to loop-mount them. I assume that its author, Michael Shigorin, has no
objections against including it under mc's GPL license ;-)
Dmitry Borodaenko
#! /bin/sh
# ISO9660 VFS for MC by Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.org> April 2003
# based on lslR by Tomas Novak <tnovak at ipex.cz> April 2000
# -- look there for additional parsing comments if needed
# tested to comply with isoinfo 2.0's output
test_iso () {
for i in '-J -R' '-J' '-R'; do
ISOINFO="isoinfo $i"
$ISOINFO "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 && break
mcisofs_list () {
case "$1" in
*.bz2) MYCAT="bzip2 -dc";;
*.gz) MYCAT="gzip -dc";;
*.z) MYCAT="gzip -dc";;
*.Z) MYCAT="gzip -dc";;
*) MYCAT="cat";;
$ISOINFO -l -i "$1" | gawk '
# Pattern to match 8 first fields.
rx = "[^ ]+[ ]+";
rx = "^" rx rx rx rx rx rx rx rx;
irx = "^. *[0-9]+. ";
/^$/ { next }
/^d---------/ { next }
/^Directory listing of [^ ].*$/ {
dir=substr($0, 23);
{ $11 != "" } {
sub(rx, "", name)
attr=substr($0, 1, length($0)-length(name))
# strip inodes and extra dir entries; fix perms
sub(irx, "", name)
sub("^---------- 0 0 0", "-r--r--r-- 1 root root", attr)
sub(" $", "", name)
# skip . and ..
if (name ~ /^\.\.?/) next;
printf "%s%s%s\n", attr, dir, name
mcisofs_copyout () {
$ISOINFO -i "$1" -x "/$2" > "$3"
export LC_ALL="C"
case "$1" in
list) test_iso "$2"; mcisofs_list "$2"; exit 0;;
copyout) test_iso "$2"; mcisofs_copyout "$2" "$3" "$4"; exit 0;;
exit 1
----- End forwarded message -----
_.|._ |_ _. : Adam Byrtek /alpha alpha at debian.org
(_|||_)| |(_| : http://krakow.linux.org.pl/ pgp 0xB25952C0
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