annoyance: undo does not reset "modified" status

Adam Byrtek / alpha alpha at
Fri Apr 11 21:22:31 UTC 2003

Pavel, I'm interested how would you like mcedit undo to behave? There
are many controversional approaches (as we have seen on the list), and
I don't know which could be the best. One is for sure - current
approach (one char at time) is no good...

My idea:

1) If there is a movement action on top of the stack: undo all
movement actions till the last modify action (without modify action).

2) If there is a modify action on top of the stack: undo all
movement actions till the last movement action OR a newline.

This way we will undo one line at the time when dealing with large
block of text, or till the last movement, if we just corrected



  _.|._ |_  _.   :  Adam Byrtek /alpha               alpha at
 (_|||_)| |(_|   :        pgp 0xB25952C0

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