[PATCH] interface responsiveness take 2

Jindrich Makovicka makovick at kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz
Wed Sep 25 17:01:52 UTC 2002


here is a better version of the previous patch, fixed and separated.

1) copy.patch - fixes the event handling in copy file dialog
2) findfile.patch - adds additional event checking into the grepping 
function to make the dialog react during grepping inside a file (I agree 
this is a bit hackish but seems to work and without threads it's hard to 
make a better solution)
3) vfsopen.patch - makes it possible to interrupt file load operation on 
vfs (typically slow ftp & accidentally pressing f3 on a large file)
4) viewintr.patch - Ctrl-G during file load without MMAP reverts to 
growing view (test - eg. NTFS partition); get_bottom_first in growing 
view can be interrupted (test - M-! ls -lR on root and pressing End); 
search can be interrupted
5) viewsearch.patch - block_search modified to use a lookup table to 
lower comparison count


Jindrich Makovicka

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