[PATCH] interface responsiveness

Jindrich Makovicka makovick at kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz
Sun Sep 22 18:14:13 UTC 2002


the attached patch (against 4.6.0-pre1) fixes the following issues with mc:

- buttons in file copy dialog now work, previously the event handling 
was wrong and half of the events were dropped causing an erratic behavior
- ftp transfer (eg. when pressing F3 on a file on ftpfs) can now be 
aborted by Ctrl-C
- find file dialog responds even during searching inside a file
- when mmap fails, a file read operation can be aborted
- loading of a remaining portion of a growing file can be aborted by Ctrl-C
- search and hex-search can be aborted
- hex search uses a lookup table and is a bit faster


Jindrich Makovicka

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