Syntax file for M4/Autoconf

Andrew V. Samoilov sav at
Wed Sep 18 16:30:57 UTC 2002

Walery Studennikov wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 06:56:15PM +0300, Andrew V. Samoilov wrote:
>>Also I want to add case insensitive keywords to the editor syntax 
>>engine, but I have some ideas how to change syntax file syntax.
> But how those possible changes will be syncronised with CoolEdit?
> Or you think we don't need any compatibility / syncronisation
> with CoolEdit anymore?

We already incompatible with Cooledit, and mc stores our syntax files in 
the ~/.mc/edit directory.

>>Possibly solution are:
>>1) make contextes case insensitive by adding case-insensitive keyword at 
>>the end of context line.
>>2) add new keyword like ikeyword for case-insensitive keywords
> I think it's the best idea.

But this breaks compatibility unlike 1 and 3.

BTW, Walery, I has some question about your sql.syntax.  Does '#' really 
starts one line comments in mysql? What about 'rem[ark]'?
And is it truth about " as delimiter of strings?

Best  regards,
Andrew V. Samoilov.

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