Andrew V. Samoilov kai at
Thu Sep 12 15:11:24 UTC 2002

tommy at wrote:
> Hey.
> load_client_codepage: filename /usr/local/lib/codepages/codepage.850 does
> not exist.
> Whats is this ? can i correct this ?

Your mc is configured with smbfs support, but there are no samba 
codepage files
in the /usr/local/lib/codepages, or they are in other directory 
(/etc/codepages for example) and you can use configure 
--with-codepagedir=/etc/codepages to teach mc about.  Smbfs use these 
files to convert filenames from Unix to SMB client, and if you are using 
the same codepage on both sides, you don't need these files.

Andrew V. Samoilov.

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