Fwd: 6502 syntax for mcedit

Count Zero count0 at c64.org
Tue Sep 3 00:02:00 UTC 2002

Hello, --- I just forgot the attachment .. sorry ... too late in the night 
already .. :)

[snip - repeat ]

I am new to the list and would like to contribute a Syntax file for MCEDIT
highlighting 6502 and 65c02 Assembler sourcecodes.
Although http://ytm.republika.pl/src/mc-6502-syntax.tar.gz has a similar
Syntax file, even for the same assembler, I wasnt really satisfied with it.

The ACME assembler uses special pseudo opcodes, which is taken care of in the
syntax file. More to come ...

Attachemnt comes as .tar.gz - including a README :)

comments welcome !


Count Zero - CyberpunX / SCS * TRC
Retro Replay Home - http://rr.c64.org
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