Need help with csh syntax

Oskar Liljeblad oskar at
Thu Oct 31 16:18:27 UTC 2002

On Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 01:11, Pavel Roskin wrote:

Hi Pavel!

> I have converted to the new syntax, when the -P option takes an
> argument - the file where the last working directory is placed by mc.  An
> important fact is that now mc is not guaranteed to create the output file.  
> It is only created when the panels have been initialized.
> mc.csh needs to be updated as well.  I have done simple changes to that
> file.  However, I'm not experienced in csh enough to do it right.  In
> particular, the case when the directory contains spaces or some special
> symbols (e.g. semicolon) needs to be analyzed for security.

Now that the file is a script to execute (and not include), is
mc.csh really necessary? I mean, all systems that have csh also
probably have sh. :)

Oskar Liljeblad (oskar at

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