File copy related bugs

Dmitry Semyonov Dmitry.Semyonov at
Thu Oct 24 13:05:45 UTC 2002


I've just discovered some more bugs...

1. * 'Options->Configuration->Compute totals' and
     'Options->Configuration->Verbose operation' are enabled.
   * BUG: totals are not computed when copying _single directory_
          (if _two ore more dirs_ are copied, then all is ok).

2. * start copying of many files (actually, two dirs with many files)
   * press 'Skip' button during copying
   * choose some some answer for 'Incomplete file was retrieved. Keep
     it?' question. The copying continues after that.
   * BUG: press left/right arrows to highlight one or another button.
          You likely to see the same question again, although you have
          not activated the buttons.

3. Why copy dialog buttons are different for different
   'Verbose operation' modes? I mean, 'Abort' button is not presented if
   'Verbose operation' is disabled. Well, just found, that it is here
   actually, but not displayed, untill you press right arrow...


$ mc -V
bash: cd: GNU Midnight Commander 2002-10-15-16
Virtual File System: tarfs, extfs, cpiofs, ftpfs, fish, undelfs
With builtin Editor
Using system-installed S-Lang library with terminfo database
With subshell support as default
With support for background operations
With mouse support on xterm and Linux console
With support for X11 events
With multiple codepages support
.: File name too long

Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
Kernel 2.4.19 on an i686

Linux console.


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