Links -dump as HTML viewer

Pavel Roskin proski at
Thu Oct 24 05:18:21 UTC 2002

Hi, David!

Sorry, it took a while before I could reply.

> We may have to give up and use lynx again. Any idea? Any contact in the
> links development team? It's a bit unfair to remove such feature...

I have removed links from the viewer associations for HTML files.  Please
don't consider having it there a feature.  mc.ext is by its design just a
template for the users.  It was implemented long ago, and when it was
implemented, it was common for the users to create the associations

The existing code is just not designed to be a comprehensive database of
associations.  If it was, mc would at least check if the program is in the
path, either when the action is invoked by the user or when the local
extension file is generated from the global template.

As it often happens, the old code was fitted for the new users who 
expected the associations to work out-of-box.  But this just cannot be 
done reliably.  We are simply returning to the original idea of mc.ext.  
This file is supposed to be modified by users.

There is no point in contacting links developers.  It's a problem of mc.
Rewrite of mc.ext support is planned after version 4.6.0.

Pavel Roskin

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