Spanish translations & Mandrake 9.0 report

David Martin dmartina at
Mon Oct 14 09:47:24 UTC 2002


Here are some changes and updates for the Spanish help, messages and hint files. There are some tweaks for the English stuff, check them.

A sentence about termination in the editor was recently removed in I think it was just a message to tell about the autoindent option available when pressing return and it had nothing to do with termination. I rewrote and reordered that piece in the Spanish help.

There are some cosmetic changes about double vertical spacing in some pages. It would be nice to have a uniform appearance. I'm thinking of printing the manual page and see what does it look like.

I was quite busy this week but I installed and I tried mc with Mandrake 9.0. It includes links 2.1pre2 and it seems that the -dump option has been removed. Sniff. You get a warning about it when viewing HTML files and I'm afraid that lynx is used instead.

Is it possible to have some checking for manpages location? Mandrake has its man pages stored in /usr/share/man. I use --prefix=/usr when compiling mc and I have to issue --mandir=/usr/share/man to get the manual there instead of /usr/man, which in turn doesn't exist and it's created by mc when you make install.

I'm getting a warning about duplicated definitions for something about the mouse. I also get a warning about libcom_err versions. I'm including the whole make.log compressed (10K, not too long I hope). I'm talking about latest snapshots, you know. I still have to fine tune the installation and check how does the wheel mouse behave; I got some messages about some liblow.c but I think it has to do with my laptop and the external and internal PS/2 mouse.

When updating the .po files I'm using make update-po and gettext 0.11.2 and it seems to go fine. I used to do this with the and from CVS (old versions as I haven't used cvs for ages), but now I need to remove the --add-comments for getttext tools used inside the script. It's true that .po files weren't updated for snapshots and I was patching my own previous file.

That's all I have for now.

*8-) David

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