midnight bug - feature request

BÁRTHÁZI András andras at barthazi.hu
Sat Nov 23 16:08:37 UTC 2002


> > Additionally I'm not familiar in developing and 
> distributing programs 
> > under Linux, so the downloadable version (the zip file) is all the 
> > files I got after a "make clean" command. Makefiles are 
> still exists. 
> > I think I should remove the
> There is magic target "dist" for make in mc's Makefiles.  But make 
> distcheck is ever better :-)

Thanks a lot! :) It works... ;)

The distro package it created can be downloaded from
> > all and some other files, too, but I don't want to do it 
> one-by-one, 
> > and don't know the way to do it automagically.
> Making patches is not too hard after reading man diff.  Unified diffs 
> are more welcomed among mc developers (diff -u).  Pavel Roskin 

Patches in unified diff format:

> distribute usefull shell script called ldiff for making 
> patches. You need to backup files with some extention (say 
> orig) before you 
> change these ones, and after hacking you just need to run
> ldiff .orig > patchname.patch
> from mc source directory.  There are should not be symlinks in the 
> source tree because find -path ignores symlinked directories.

Sounds good. I'll do it this way next time. Where can I get ldiff?
Can you help me to find a program that can do patching using the patch


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