editing removes suid

Pavel Roskin proski at gnu.org
Wed Nov 6 18:07:26 UTC 2002

Hello, Nerijus!

> When I edit suid perl script, after saving suid bit disappears:
> mc 4.5.55, didn't check with latest cvs, sorry.

Yes, I confirm the bug with the current version.

When restoring file permissions, chown should always be called before
chmod.  I almost knew that mcedit does it wrong as soon as I read your
message, before even checking the sources.

Thank you!  I'm applying this patch.

--- editcmd.c
+++ editcmd.c
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ int edit_save_file (WEdit * edit, const 
     } else
 	savename = g_strdup (filename);
-    mc_chmod (savename, edit->stat1.st_mode);
     mc_chown (savename, edit->stat1.st_uid, edit->stat1.st_gid);
+    mc_chmod (savename, edit->stat1.st_mode);
     if ((fd = mc_open (savename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY ,
 		    edit->stat1.st_mode)) == -1)

Pavel Roskin

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