Request feature: secure FTP

Pavel Machek pavel at
Sun Jan 20 19:38:35 UTC 2002


> > > Actually, FiSH transfers files over ssh.  I'm afraid that implementing
> > > sftp would require linking mc against libssl, as opposed to FiSH that uses
> > > the ssh executable.  I don't want to make mc depend on too many libraries,
> > > even optionally.
> > 
> > I would not depend on FiSH. It is hack, and under boundary conditions (remote
> > dd killed by out-of-memory) bad stuff might happen. Supporting sftp would be
> > way nicer.
> I see.  I never thought that dd can be killed by out-of-memory.

If kernel decides its OOM, it can kill just about anything, anytime. 

> Unfortunately, sftp is disabled in most ssh installations.  Maybe when mc
> starts supporting sftp, it will be more often enabled, but it will take
> time.
> scp, on the other hand, doesn't provide directory listing.  Maybe we could
> use scp transfers in FiSH?

That.. should be possible, but we'd have to eat one connection per
file. Pretty slow.
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