[PATCH] lynx-like jumpkeys

Tomas Styblo tripie at cpan.org
Sun Dec 22 08:18:24 UTC 2002

* Adam Byrtek 'alpha' <alpha at student.uci.agh.edu.pl> [Sun, 22 Dec 2002]:
> By the way jumpkeys in panel are not too useful, I think it is
> easier to type part of a real filename than a random number. But I
> guess it depends on habits.

You can disable the jumpkeys in panel and still have them in the
listboxes. You can use the "Listing mode" configuration menu to
specify your own user defined format. The default "Full file list"
format without the jumpkeys is:

    "half type,name,|,size,|,mtime"

Tomas Styblo <tripie at cpan.org>
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC97EA4B6

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