patchfs, audio update

Adam Byrtek 'alpha' alpha at
Thu Dec 19 16:20:53 UTC 2002

On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 05:40:08PM +0200, Andrew V. Samoilov wrote:
> We trust you, but sometimes you misunderstand us.

Sorry, maybe I used the wrong word once more. I apologize if it
sounded that way.

But the main problem was that everything works fine for me, so I was
confused and did not know what Andrew wanted to fix. I thought maybe
it was the 'empty line problem' (which in fact exists) and I've send a
patch for this.



  _.|._ |_  _.    : Adam Byrtek, alpha@(|
 (_|||_)| |(_|    : gg 1802819, pgp 0xB25952C0
     |            : jid

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