[BUGFIX] hotlist group label

Tomas Styblo tripie at cpan.org
Wed Dec 18 02:56:22 UTC 2002


There is a bug in the hotlist menu. The group label is not updated
if you open an empty group. This happens everytime when you
create a new group and open it.

To reproduce it:

- open the hotlist (ctrl+'\')
- create New Group
- open it
- the label does not change

The included patch fixes it. It ensures that the label is updated
everytime a group is selected, even if it is empty.

Tomas Styblo <tripie at cpan.org>
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC97EA4B6
-------------- next part --------------
diff -purN mc-4.6.0-pre1/src/hotlist.c mc-4.6.0-pre1.new/src/hotlist.c
--- mc-4.6.0-pre1/src/hotlist.c	Tue Aug 20 04:57:25 2002
+++ mc-4.6.0-pre1.new/src/hotlist.c	Wed Dec 18 03:46:20 2002
@@ -171,13 +171,6 @@ static inline void update_path_name (voi
 		text = hlp->directory;
 		text = _("Subgroup - press ENTER to see list");
-	    p = g_strconcat (" ", current_group->label, " ", NULL);
-	    if (!hotlist_state.moving)
-		label_set_text (pname_group, name_trunc (p, dlg->cols - (UX*2+4)));
-	    else
-		label_set_text (movelist_group, name_trunc (p, dlg->cols - (UX*2+4)));
-	    g_free (p);
 	} else {
 	    text = list->current->text;
@@ -186,6 +179,14 @@ static inline void update_path_name (voi
     if (!hotlist_state.moving)
 	label_set_text (pname, name_trunc (text, dlg->cols - (UX*2+4)));
+    p = g_strconcat (" ", current_group->label, " ", NULL);
+    if (!hotlist_state.moving)
+	label_set_text (pname_group, name_trunc (p, dlg->cols - (UX*2+4)));
+    else
+	label_set_text (movelist_group, name_trunc (p, dlg->cols - (UX*2+4)));
+    g_free (p);
     dlg_redraw (dlg);

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