[PATCH] xterm titlebar

Tomas Styblo tripie at cpan.org
Mon Dec 16 18:42:12 UTC 2002

* Pavel Roskin <proski at gnu.org> [Mon, 16 Dec 2002]:
> The same happens with the command prompt if the subshell is
> used.  But unlike the command prompt, which requires interaction
> with the subshell, displaying the titlebar can be done when the
> panels are redisplayed.  Perhaps make_panels_dirty() is not the
> right place to show the current directory.

Yes, the current directory of the active panel is not synchronized
with directory changes in the subshell. I don't know if there ever
existed a patch or some workaround.

> I'm concerned that the patch makes it impossible to disable the
> use of the title bar on any xterm-like terminal.  xterm_hintbar
> is disabled by default, so users can try it if they want and if
> they have a compatible terminal.

The xterm_hintbar option is not configurable in any menu and also
is not documented at all. I did not even know it existed. I tried
it now and it works in my rxvt.

> I believe that some versions of xterm may be incompatible.  Just
> check init_xterm_support() in main.c:
> #if 0                           /* It works on xterm, but not on
> rxvt */ printf (ESC_STR "]0;GNU Midnight Commander\7"); #endif

That comment is probably outdated. Both the xterm_hintbar and
xterm_titlebar features work in my rxvt 2.7.8. That's a
development release, though.

I tried what happens when the xterm_titlebar feature is used in an
mc running in the linux console and it does nothing at all. Which
I suppose is good. :) But maybe a check for getenv("DISPLAY")
would be appropriate ?

> Also entering directories with some unusual names, i.e.
> including the \7 character would cause mess on the screen.  Some
> quoting needs to be done to avoid characters that can be
> interpreted by xterm.

Quoting is IMHO cumbersome in this case, a simpler and IMHO
acceptable solution would be to remove all characters except some
sane ones from the title.

Tomas Styblo <tripie at cpan.org>
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC97EA4B6

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