[PATCH] xterm titlebar

Tomas Styblo tripie at cpan.org
Mon Dec 16 02:52:56 UTC 2002

* Adam Byrtek 'alpha' <alpha at student.uci.agh.edu.pl> [Thu, 12 Dec 2002]:

Hi !

> A patch to display mc's current working dir in xterm titlebar. I made
> it mostly for my own personal use - I often have many instances of mc
> on my desktop (sometimes shaded, sometimes minimized) and meaningful
> title helps me recognize one that I look for.

Thank you for this patch. My rxvt loves it ! :)

I enhanced it a bit:

    1) The malloced space was never freed. Fixed by replacing
       it with an automatic array.

    2) Home directory portion of the path is converted
       to '~'. It saves space which is valuable in taskbar

    3) FTP passwords are now stripped from the path.

The modified version is attached to this message.


Tomas Styblo <tripie at cpan.org>
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC97EA4B6
"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for
 the freedom of thought which they seldom use." -Kierkegaard
-------------- next part --------------
diff -purN mc-4.6.0-pre1/src/main.c mc-4.6.0-pre1.new/src/main.c
--- mc-4.6.0-pre1/src/main.c	Wed Aug 21 03:08:49 2002
+++ mc-4.6.0-pre1.new/src/main.c	Mon Dec 16 03:47:17 2002
@@ -1665,6 +1665,14 @@ make_panels_dirty (void)
     if ((get_other_type () == view_listing) && opanel->dirty)
 	panel_update_contents (opanel);
+    /* refresh cwd in xterm titlebar */
+    if (xterm_flag && !xterm_hintbar) {
+        char cur_dir[MC_MAXPATHLEN + 1];
+        mc_get_current_wd (cur_dir, MC_MAXPATHLEN);
+        fprintf (stdout, "\33]0;mc: %s\7", strip_home_and_password(cur_dir));
+        fflush (stdout);
+    }
 /* In OS/2 and Windows NT people want to actually type the '\' key frequently */

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