patchfs, audio update

Pavel Roskin proski at
Fri Dec 13 05:05:44 UTC 2002


> Changelog entry attached in patch as Pavel requested.

Excellent!  Applied.

> Pavel:
> > I suggest that we select the shorter filename unless it's /dev/null.
> > Usually the longer filename has ".orig" or ".new" is it.
> Had some problems with this solution, so I've looked up official
> information on diff info-page. Now it uses the same heuristics as patch
> (only without 'Index:' field).

That's very impressive.  I really appreciate that you consulted the
documentation and used the same approach.

> > Also it would be nice to add ".diff" to all filenames.  It would force
> > correct syntax highlighting in the editor and it's more convenient if
> Of course, true. Applied. It created problem with 'infinite recursion':
> xxx.diff#patchfs:file.diff#patchfs:file.diff#patchfs:file.diff........
> But it isn't critical. Dont' know how to fix it...

Something like this could help, but the filename is matched in
regex_command() without full path, so it doesn't work:

        Open=%var{EDITOR:vi} %f

        Open=%cd %p#patchfs

Anyway, it's a minor issue.  I don't think anybody will be seriously 
confused by this.

Pavel Roskin

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