[PATCH] extfs scripts fixes

Adam Byrtek 'alpha' alpha at student.uci.agh.edu.pl
Thu Dec 12 12:01:05 UTC 2002

On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 03:20:52AM -0500, Pavel Roskin wrote:
> I think I have spent more time on it than you

WHY HAVE YOU? I supplied fully tested patches with full documentation
of changes in a separate file. I see no problems with it.

> It would be very helpful if you provide ChangeLog entries with your
> patches in the future.

All changes were documented in extfs-status... But ok, I'll do it next

> I don't like this part:
> It's unfriendly to the future developers to leave the comments in such 
> state.  There is no need to leave comments about the code that you are 
> removing.

Agree. Sorry. That part made you spend so much time on my patches???

> If we check uzoo, there are such comments about it being "dangerous".  If
> you didn't remove that comment, then probably you didn't notice it?

Yes, I didn't notice it.

> If you didn't notice it, what's the point in adding more irrelevant
> comments about what the script used to do?

I have NOT added any comments to uzoo.

> Finally, I wonder if you bothered to read "man cp".  I did.


> there is one thing that the manual doesn't say.  Some systems make "cp"
> and alias to "cp -i", so it can be interactive.  Using "cp -f" makes it
> non-interactive again.  That's why configure script and makefiles always

Great. But I have never changed any 'cp -f' into 'cp'!

To recapitulate: I have provided you fully working patches for 18
extfs scrips, some of them beeing completely broken for YEARS, and all
you do is complaining about one small comment (40 chars), and
offending me on a public forum.

I thought not everybody who wants to contribute has to be as wise as
you. I'm not a full-time *nix guru, sorry. Most of the time your
suggestions and remarks are very educating to me, but this time it was
simply rude. I assume that you had a very bad day.



  _.|._ |_  _.    : Adam Byrtek, alpha@(irc.pl|debian.org)
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