New patchfs script
Adam Byrtek 'alpha'
alpha at
Mon Dec 9 15:53:56 UTC 2002
Hi. I've rewiten patchfs in Perl - now it can properly handle all
patches in unified diff format (the most common format for patches).
Methods supported: list, copyout
The algorithm isn't too fast (yet), but I think it's quite usable,
especialy for smaller patches. When I've tested it on 27MB kernel
patch 'list' took 4s and 'copyout' (in the worst case) 6s (duron
I have some issues on my todo list (info about size, date), but I
think this extfs is already ready for inclusion.
Entry to add to mc.ext:
Open=%cd %p#patchfs
PS. The latest mc snapshot segfaults after pressing f4 to edit file.
Don't have time to check if it's fixed in cvs.
_.|._ |_ _. : Adam Byrtek, alpha@(|
(_|||_)| |(_| : gg 1802819, pgp 0xB25952C0
| : jid
-------------- next part --------------
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Written by Adam Byrtek <alpha at>, 2002
# extfs to handle patches in unified diff format
my $bzcat = "bzip2 -dc";
my $gzcat = "zcat";
my $file = "file";
sub now
my @time = localtime;
return sprintf "%02d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", $time[4]+1, $time[3], $time[5]%100, $time[2], $time[1];
sub list
my ($archive)=@_;
my ($uid,$gid)=(`id -nu` || "0",`id -ng` || "0");
my ($len,$f);
chomp ($uid, $gid);
while (<I>) {
if (/^--- /) {
printf "-rw-r--r-- 1 %s %s %d %s %s\n", $uid, $gid, $len-1, now, $f
if $f;
s/^--- ([^\s]+).*$/$1/;
} elsif (/^[+\-]/) {
printf "-rw-r--r-- 1 %s %s %d %s %s\n", $uid, $gid, $len-1, now, $f
if $f;
close I;
sub copyout
my ($archive,$file,$out)=@_;
my ($f,$state,$notebuf,$diffbuf,$note);
open O, "> $out";
while (<I>) {
if (/^--- /) {
last if ($f eq $file);
# switch to diff mode
$f=~s/^--- ([^\s]+).*$/$1/;
chomp $f;
} elsif (!/^([+\- ]|@@)/) {
# switch to normal mode
if ($state==0) {
} elsif ($state==1) {
print O ($note, $diffbuf) if ($f eq $file);
close O;
$_=`$file $ARGV[1]`;
if (/bzip/) {
open I, "$bzcat $ARGV[1] |";
} elsif (/gzip/) {
open I, "$gzcat $ARGV[1] |";
} else {
open I, "< $ARGV[1]";
if ($ARGV[0] eq "list") {
list $ARGV[1];
} if ($ARGV[0] eq "copyout") {
copyout ($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]);
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