[BUG] extfs bug

Adam Byrtek 'alpha' alpha at student.uci.agh.edu.pl
Sat Dec 7 02:22:31 UTC 2002

When I copy file into an archive (tested on urar and uzip extfs) the
file is copied, but when I try to view it, I see:

Cannot view: not a regular file

The problem disappears when I restart mc (I can view the same file
without any problem), so it looks like vfs cache problem.

I tried to examine this issue better, but I lack deeper mc
architecture knowlege.



  _.|._ |_  _.    : Adam Byrtek, alpha@(irc.pl|debian.org)
 (_|||_)| |(_|    : gg 1802819, pgp 0xB25952C0
     |            : jid alpha.jabberpl.org

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