Don't allow stdout and stderr from extfs scripts pollute the screen.

Andrew V. Samoilov sav at
Thu Dec 5 15:37:47 UTC 2002

Pavel Roskin wrote:
> Hello!
>>>patch below prevents stderr from extfs scripts pollute the screen.
>>Applied as is.  Thank you very much!
> Bad news.  After your patch extfs gets stuck on output that exceeds 4
> kilobytes.  The example is attached.  Try "cd lslR#lslR"
> It looks like mc doesn't accept more data, so whatever program is trying
> to write to stdout (awk in this case) gets stuck, and you have to kill it.
> The problem can be observed on RedHat 8.0.

New version for extfs list command.  I have no time to generate 
inconsistent extfs archive to check consistency for such archives.

Andrew V. Samoilov
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