[mc cvs]branches, releases, packaging?

Vincent van Adrighem V.vanAdrighem at dirck.mine.nu
Tue Apr 23 19:27:00 UTC 2002

Hi all,

Short Intro: I'm a translator of the gnome project. Dutch (nl) to be exact.

It has recently been brought to my attention that there were some small
issues with the translation of mc. I'd like to know which branches are
active at the moment (stable, unstable, gnome1, gnome2-port, etc...). That
way I know which branches to commit translatins to.

Also, is there a new release coming up so that I can correct the stupid
mistakes made (by me) in the last release. The user who reported the problem
had a RedHat skipjack (beta 8.0) package. version 4.5.55-5. Omitting the
last packaging number, this leaves 4.5.55.. Is this the latest stable
release? Will there be any updates to that branch or is it dead?

I hope that someone can help me...thanks for your time.

Kind regards,
Vincent van Adrighem
(Dutch translator)

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