
Pavel Machek pavel at suse.cz
Wed May 16 13:46:07 UTC 2001


> > ...but I'm not sure if I'd call it better written. It still uses old
> > "url" method, which is totaly unsuitable for something that wants to
> > look like filesystem. (Or not? It is not easy to check for that)
> It is not more well-written than mc-vfs. To me it seems mc-vfs is better
> designed, modulo it is not threaded... Esp. gnome-vfs' uri parsing scheme
> and uri-data-structures sucks big time (I have submitted a patch for
> cleaning up this a bit at least some time ago, but it never got applied
> due to hurry to get nautilus out).

Can I see that patch? Yes, uri's suck when it comes to looking like

The best software in life is free (not shareware)!		Pavel
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