Midnight Commander website

Pavel Roskin proski at gnu.org
Tue Jun 26 20:59:56 UTC 2001

Hello, Christian!

> I am trying to move all GNOME sites still on canvas.gnome.org onto
> www.gnome.org instead. The mc website is one of the websites still on
> canvas (http://canvas.gnome.org:65348/mc/).

... which is bad, because Raptor firewall blocks outgoing connections to
unknown ports. Many people cannot reach that page at all, not to mention
that it lacks any useful information.

> If you want me to I can move it to www.gnome.org/projects/mc and try to
> update it + send you information on how to update it yourself.
> Is this of interest?

Absolutely! It's very important for the project to have a good homepage
with links to the resources - download, mailing list archives and so on.

Please go ahead and feel free to contact me personally. Thank you in

Pavel Roskin

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