patch to get a relocateable mc

Ludovic Drolez ludovic.drolez at
Fri Jul 20 08:56:09 UTC 2001

Hi !

I've just found that mc is not relocateable. If you compile mc with 
'--prefix=/tmp/xxx' and
then move it to /usr/local, even with 'export 
MC_LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib/mc' some things
do not work:
- syntax highlighting
- single filesystem (.tgz ...)
- + bogus error messages
Indeed, to take into account 'MC_LIBDIR' you need to use the 'mc_home' 
and not the LIBDIR define.

The included patch fixes that. (for 4.5.5X)


    Ludovic Drolez.

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Name: mc-4.5.51-reloc.patch
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