C-x C-p; was: Re: bugreport: hex search doesn't work

Maksym Polyakov polyama at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 9 14:42:36 UTC 2001


Vlad Harchev wrote:
>  Hi,
>  Sorry for reporting bug for such an old version, but here it is:
> In mc-4.5.29, HexSearch doesn't work:
In mc-4.5.54 (SPARC/Solaris 7) it does not work either.

One more. Help says:
  C-x p, C-x C-p.  The first key sequence copies the current 
  path name to the command line, and the second one copies
  the unselected panel's path name to the command line.

I found that C-x C-p does not work. 


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