mcedit problem (2)

Andrew V. Samoilov kai at
Mon Dec 17 08:33:13 UTC 2001

Hi, Mattias!

>is the following problem known? Sometimes (usually a few times a day :-(
>) if I press F4 to edit a .cc file with the internal editor, the
>Midnight Commander hangs up. Here is the description of the problem:

I cannot reproduce this, but it is possible if previous system call was 
fgetc returns -1 on error and on end of file, so additional check needed.

>404         for (;;) {
>405             c = fgetc (f);
>406             if (c == EOF) {
>407                 if (errno == EINTR)
>408                     continue;
>It tries to read my own `c.syntax' (see the attachment). `c' and `errno'
>always have the same values: c is -1 and errno is EINTR. `f' has the
>following value (produced with `p *f' in the gdb):
Does patch below help you?


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