mcedit bug

murban murban at
Thu Dec 13 21:52:14 UTC 2001

Hi Steef,

> > ---
> > ex "+:s/.*/\U&/g" "+:w! outputfile" "+:q" inputfile
> > ---
>Ahhhh, this stuff looks beautiful.

And it might be the better choice in the future; I've read that the
coming versions of `vim' (=ex) shall be able to match even multi-lines
(including newline matching). For the `vim' developers it seems to have
the priority "as soon as possible" (is there already a version 6 of
`vim'? I don't know).

> No, I abandoned emacs completely in about 1993...
> I found it a bit overdone to have an editor of more than 30Megs .tar.gz!

This is sooo true, and more: I've not changed the OS from Windows to
Linux only to replace my Windows "click-tools" with a Linux
"click-tool". Under Windows it wasn't fast enough and flexible enough
for me already, and the emacs --- it isn't more than ever. However, it's
not long ago I saw a friend editing a XML file with the emacs and he
just typed in `Des', pressed a key (or more, I don't know), and the word
became completed (=>`Description'). Since then I also wanted to have
this feature in the Midnight Commander ;-)

> Moreover, I once tried to redefine my keys in emacs to get a working
> insert,home,end,page up and so on. Need I say more? Ok, one word: LISP!


> I am in the process of writing my Ph.D. thesis. In my field of science,
> looong complicated words are not helping the reader, is my experience.

(Thesis, wow! I'm only just writing my diploma :-( )

> Your idea sounds great though. And you should off-course be able to
> search the user-dict files like ~/.ispell_english.

Ooh, THIS is good. It's like the kind of help you got when writing a SMS
with your handy (I don't write SMSs because my handy doesn't has this
feature --- and I still wanna be able to use my fingers for a while ;-)
Moreover, it's an easy and fast way to lookup a word in the dictionary,
in contrast to the dictionary in your hand. And, it's not a replacement
for the `ispell'-check, but a good enhancement.

And now to something completely different...

What do you think about the following: 
If you're editing a source file and you want to find or replace
something, you have to type in the expression you want to find at the
`search' or `replace' window. That's true, isn't it? But sometimes the
text is hidden by the `search' or `replace' window; then you have to
close it, to scroll the text or to note the text somewhere, and then you
can start from scratch. And what's about complicated expressions like
`MultiLevelStack<SemanticObject*>' or `(PtrType*)((*(ThisType*)ptr).conv
())'? Typing this in isn't very amusing. So, why can't I use <CTRL-INS>
to copy the text I want to find to `cooledit.clip' and then use
<SHIFT-INS> in the `search'/`replace' window to paste this text? I offen
have this problem and I think that this could be a useful improvement
(above all, it shouldn't be very hard to implement ;-). What do you

By the way, I'm also using the Midnight Commander to write my mails. To
mark the text of the mail I'm replying to, the following user menu
command is very useful:

p       > prefix
	TEMPFILE="$(dirname %b)/cooledit.temp"
	sed -e "s at .*@> &@g" %b > $TEMPFILE
	cat $TEMPFILE > %b 

Very simple, but it works fine. Ok, the name is crap, but I don't know a
better one. Do you? 


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