Pavel Roskin proski at gnu.org
Fri Aug 10 06:23:03 UTC 2001

Hi, FrИdИric!

> > There is an xterm by Thomas Dickey, but rxvt is better
> > anyway.
> I wouldn't say rxvt is better (both have features), but yes,
> I don't list XTerm because it's part of XFree86.

You are right.  Statements about something being better are usually wrong.

> Anyway, new releases are at ftp://dickey.his.com/xterm/ . If
> you want, just change 4.7 to "Where can I get rxvt and
> XTerm?"

Done.  Thanks for the idea.

> BTW, the Mirrors list at the site is wrong.
> http://www.cs-net.gr/mc/ (Greece) -> 404. Maybe "Mirrors :"
> should be removed. The USA mirror is... the site.

I've just remade that page completely and committed my changes.  I don't
know if they are propagated automatically.  If the page doesn't change
soon I'll talk to the webmaster.

Pavel Roskin

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